Monday, December 13, 2010

This week in Drink

I really have not  been drinking that much as of late.  The last two weeks I only spent $4 on a bottle of sake so that meant I had $26 to spent on alcohol at the store.  My wine supply had just run out and thier was no beer in the fridge.  Bourbon wise I  still have about 3/4 of a bottle of Old grand Dad.
It was time to pic up a 12 pack of my favorite twist off Australian wine "the Big Kahuna" for $20 and an 18 pack of my favorite El Salvadorian beer "Taurino" $6.99 .  Total it put me a few bucks over but I can take that out of next week s fund. 

I rarely drink light beer (only during competition or if it's free) I am a strong believer that beer should be treated as both food and fuel.  I want those extra calories I'm paying for them and if I by light beer I feel like I am getting jipped. I enjoy beer after a hard work out and consider it a great recovery drink.  Taurino is a good cheap Mexican style beer.  Tastes good with a spicy meal and quenches my thirst on a hot day

The Big Kahuna at $1.66 a bottle can not be beat and the fact that it's twist off makes it 10 times more Awesome.  

I like my beer during the day, My wine at night and my bourbon after hours.

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